Sunday, June 24, 2018


self-portrait I did with magic markers on glossy photo paper. It's a quick,
impromptu silhouette sketching of Viridian, an alter ego protagonist of mine
while I was busy world building in the late 80s to mid 90s. This character is a human/plant hybrid who must keep moving else he get rooted to the spot. When he's cut, he bleeds chlorophyll. This image was the first one I stumbled across in my archive.  

  Viridian has some ice elf in his blood, of which some is reputed to trace back through the drow. He is of a generation whose genetic order must be steeped in the legendry of dark elves by very definition. He is of the rank order of one of the latest survivalist factions. Through his electromagnetic heritage, Viridian has been granted a degree of mastery in perception enough to qualify as an adept in wizardry. 

Friday, June 15, 2018


Behind the veil of stars we can see hides the night of eternity
These are the very ones we can reach out for with our fingertips
With eons left before they mature to yield their sentient fruits
Their light the shroud of a ghost that has yet to be born